No, not my friend Summer. And I do have a friend named Summer.
I'm referring to this useless season we are currently enduring. It has little going for it other than school being out, and that reason in itself is debatable.
Things I don't like about summer:
1- The bracing, hot, sticky, annoying heat.
2- By proxy, the A/C bill. For no other reason would I spend $200 a month on air.
3- It's the last stretch of months one must endure before football season begins.
4- TV shows are on a break. For those of you that have 1,000 things backed up on your DVR, or watch one of those freak-of-nature, doesn't-follow-the-rules, "summer" TV shows like "The Closer", or "Burn Notice", it's a long, parched, desert for the rest of us. Three months it too terribly long to go without watching "Bones."
5- Some of us don't enjoy wearing bathing suits or sundresses. Honestly.
6- The upside to being a SAHM is being able to go places during the week without a million kids being around. Not so in the summer. Everywhere I go is crawling with children, and really, I have enough of my own.
7- If I want to exercise outside, it must be accomplished before 8am to avoid heatstroke.
8- We are relegated to constantly eating grilled food or yogurt for dinner, so we can avoid turning on the oven or stove and adding even MORE heat to the house.
9- Did I mention the heat?
Now, let me counteract those of you who wish to argue:
1- I don't like the beach.
2- Cold weather suits me just fine.
3- I can have ice cream, hot dogs, and coleslaw anytime of year. That goes for watermelon and lemonade, too.
4- One word: Christmas.
If I ever move to the Southern Hemisphere, I might have a problem.