Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Big Commitment

Read books first, or watch movies based on the books first? I can't commit. You never know either way whether or not it's a good idea. It could be a fabulous book, and you wished you wouldn't have ruined it by watching the movie first. Or maybe the book is rubbish and you like the movie better. Or maybe you watch the movie and see, "hey, that's based on a book.... I will try to read it"- and find a jewel.
All this to say... today I checked "Bleak House" (movie) out of the library. I started the book last summer (I think it's pushing 800 pages... and mind you that's 800 pages of Dickens) but couldn't finish because we had houseguests, we were swimming, blah blah blah.... but the movie has been on my list. So I got it from the library today. If you think you're escaping something long by watching it, think again... it's 465 minutes long. That's as long as the first two LOTR movies, and probably without the battle scenes and elves.
How can I fit in 8 hours of movie watching (and of the SAME movie, too?) within the time limit the library has set to borrow their materials??
Even worse, what if it's fabulous (I've heard it is...) and then I have to put aside 3 months to read the book....??

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