Monday, July 18, 2016

After a Long Hiatus

Well, obviously, this little blog has been woefully unattended for a SIX YEARS. In my defense, I have been raising children and writing other stuff under an assumed name (I don't like to brag, but my fantasy series about a wizard and a dog has done really well in the Netherlands).

To be honest, I wasn't sure all of these musings of my mid-30s would still be around, so let that be a lesson to the internet at large: IT STAYS AROUND.

It's almost nice to come back to a blog after a six-year break and look back to see how things have improved. My Kindergartner is about to be a middle-schooler. I've finished all of the books on my 2010-era TBR list. We have taken 3 excellent road trips with our kids.

Some of the sins I struggled with have minimized as I've grown older; some of them have been replaced by others.

This truth is a reminder that if I step away from a problem for a while (or, you know, five years) and give it room to breathe, it will often minimize in reality if not only in my perspective. And while God hasn't promised me an easy path, he has at least promised to help me continually along the bumps and bends in the road.

There have been many such bumps and bends.

God stuck around.

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